Queer Corralling and Comforting: Celebrations and Ceremonies

Facilitating Artist: Brian Lobel
#celebrancy #ritual #ceremony.

Image: Our Goddess and Eternal Muse, Moira

Image: Our Goddess and Eternal Muse, Moira

Dates: Thursdays, 11-25 March, 2.5 hours each meeting

Format: Online

Maximum Participants:

Module Description:

Queers have always been the caretakers and space-makers, and this Module is dedicated to thinking more critically about our practice as queers who lead ceremonies both in exclusively queer spaces and in and amongst our hetero, straight, pasty-normal friends and family.  How do we help people marry?  How do we help people mourn? How do we help people marry and help people mourn while other people in the room may not acknowledge our humanity? When do we compromise, and when do we dig in? 

This Module is for those who have experience leading and coordinating rites and ceremonies for and with queer people. This is not an Intro to Queer Celebrations and Ceremonies, but a reflective and reflexive space for those already in the field to draw on past experience and build towards making sustainable practices, resources and futures. 

Your instructor, Brian Lobel (he/him), has lead two weddings and two funerals, and is at the beginning of his journey as celebrant, but has been facilitating spaces (as an installation and performance artist) for over a decade. Less of an expert in the field, and more of a keen coordinator or reflection and sharing best practice, Queer Corralling and Comforting asks participants to draw on their individual experiences as celebrants to see the patterns and practices across queer celebrancy.



  • All participants should have experience leading more than 2 ceremonies (these can be weddings, funerals, civil partnerships, rites, etc). 

  • The module has a required text: The Dead Good Funerals Book. Available to purchase (please contact us if purchasing the book would be a barrier to accessing the module):



  • 3 Zoom Sessions of 2.5 hours:

  • Thursday 11 March, 7pm-9:30pm GMT

  • Thursday, 18 March, 7pm-9:30pm GMT

  • Thursday, 25 March, March, 7pm-9:30pm GMT

This event is brought to you by Queer Extension; Artist-Led Learning Online & By Correspondence. Queer Extension is funded by its participants and Arts Council England. 

About Queer Extension:  

Inspired by the University Extension movement that reduced barriers to access for marginalised communities; Queer Extension has invited queer artists to develop online and correspondence modules that enable queer community to learn together. Queer Extension is curated by Justin Hunt of I'm With You and produced by Jo Alloway of We Exist.

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Pay what you can policy: 

All modules hosted by Queer Extension are pay-what-you-can. We recognise that many LGBTQ+ folx may be experiencing financial hardship right now. All events have a sliding pay scale with a suggested minimum payment of £5. Please email imwithyouclapton@gmail.com if you would like to attend any of our events but do not have the financial means to do so. 

Accessibility Information: 

Queer Extension is committed to ensuring inclusive and accessible learning. Please email imwithyouclapton@gmail.com with any questions in regard to accessibility, including your own accessibility requirements.