In A Quiet Queering

Facilitating Artist: Luke Pell
slow #poetics #somatics

Image: Kitty Fedorec

Image: Kitty Fedorec

Dates: March, participants move at their own pace

Maximum Participants: 12

Format: Online & Correspondence

Module Description:

This is for the quiet types. 

For the folx who find their ways in the spaces in between.

For the folx who use(d) the backstreets and the ginnels, 

the secret silent cuts and ‘out of hours’ for getting around. 

For those who would sun / moon bathe in cemeteries, linger 

in parks and in forests, beside the shore, on the edges

In this module Scotland based maker Luke Pell offers a series of tactile scores, accompanying readings and soft sharing that invites folx to find, map and tune to old/new queer spaces and approaches for some quieter, poetic ways of being. 

Readings will include material from other writers, poets, artists and activists exploring queer experience, embodiment and environment. We will gradually work through material independently before arriving at our own propositions to share across the group. A collective mapping, that creates and shares tactile poetic practices as ways of finding, nurturing, noticing, cultivating and tending to spaces of queer solace amidst the normy noise.

*This module is designed as a quiet companion. A series of materials to turn to and be with when needed, a wee window to crack open, over the course of a month.

Image: Amy Sinead

Image: Amy Sinead


  • An interest in going soft and slow - in words and movement - place, poetics, mapping.


  • Total approx. 9hr min spread over a month (pacing is up to participant)

  • Contact made through email, post, and Padlet

This event is brought to you by Queer Extension; Artist-Led Learning Online & By Correspondence. Queer Extension is funded by its participants and Arts Council England. 

About Queer Extension:  

Inspired by the University Extension movement that reduced barriers to access for marginalised communities; Queer Extension has invited queer artists to develop online and correspondence modules that enable queer community to learn together. Queer Extension is curated by Justin Hunt of I'm With You and produced by Jo Alloway of We Exist.

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Pay what you can policy: 

All modules hosted by Queer Extension are pay-what-you-can. We recognise that many LGBTQ+ folx may be experiencing financial hardship right now. All events have a sliding pay scale with a suggested minimum payment of £5. Please email if you would like to attend any of our events but do not have the financial means to do so. 

Accessibility Information: 

Queer Extension is committed to ensuring inclusive and accessible learning. Please email with any questions in regard to accessibility, including your own accessibility requirements.