Slippery Substances: Microdosing queer material

Facilitating Artist: Liz Rosenfeld
#microdose #queerness #desire #correspondence

Image: Liz Rosenfeld

Image: Liz Rosenfeld


Format: Correspondence

Maximum Participants: 10

Module Description:

Microdosing is the practice of consuming very low, sub- doses of a specific substance, generally a recreational or (un)prescribed pharmaceutical drug, with the intention of understanding how a very low dose can affect and slightly shift one's mood, perspective, and material. Typically explored in relationship to such experiences as depression, energy levels, libido, lucid visions, and dreams, microdosing could be approached as a renegade methodology, queering not just the potential of the body, but also the ways in which we inhabit radical time and space.

What do you microdose?

How does it support/ inform how you touch the world and how the world touches you back?

Have you always wanted to try microdosing and never had the opportunity?

What is microdosing beyond literal substance consumption? A feeling? A longing? A person? A fantasy? An element? A habit?

I have come to find myself to identify as a microdoser across many realms, bringing me greater insight into my relationship to urgent desire, as well as my longing to inhabit the experience of finding pleasure in patience. I have also come to understand my trans- positionality beyond gender through microdosing, and how trans identification is about the shifting material hosted by my body. A material that I consider to be in collaboration with.

Through creative methodologies I want to exchange microdosing experiences with you.

This correspondence course will entail a creative exchange through whatever medium one chooses: writing, documented performance, sound, drawing, video, photography, scores, etc. Between 10 participants, a different short work will inform the next, creating an exquisite corpse. I will create the first and last response. These works will highlight a microdosing experience in each participant's life, with the invitation for the next participant to do the same, thus creating a correspondence of both creative and informational exchange. The course will commence with a zoom hang- out, where all participants will meet for the first time and talk about the short works they have made. I intend to compile the outcomes and make an open source online zine about queer relationships to microdosing, and how the notion of micrdosing has been expanded past just substances. One can choose to include a short text about their work, as I will write one as well.

A digital course reader will be available for participants to explore various relevant texts for educational purposes only.

Image: Liz Rosenfeld

Image: Liz Rosenfeld


  • That you consider yourself to have some kind of microdosing practice already

  • That you are ready to consider how it informs your queerness.


  • The module occurs over roughly 4 weeks via correspondence (primarily email)

This event is brought to you by Queer Extension; Artist-Led Learning Online & By Correspondence. Queer Extension is funded by its participants and Arts Council England. 

About Queer Extension:  

Inspired by the University Extension movement that reduced barriers to access for marginalised communities; Queer Extension has invited queer artists to develop online and correspondence modules that enable queer community to learn together. Queer Extension is curated by Justin Hunt of I'm With You and produced by Jo Alloway of We Exist.

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Pay what you can policy: 

All modules hosted by Queer Extension are pay-what-you-can. We recognise that many LGBTQ+ folx may be experiencing financial hardship right now. All events have a sliding pay scale with a suggested minimum payment of £5. Please email if you would like to attend any of our events but do not have the financial means to do so. 

Accessibility Information: 

Queer Extension is committed to ensuring inclusive and accessible learning. Please email with any questions in regard to accessibility, including your own accessibility requirements.